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For Instructors

For Instructors

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Proctored Testing

Proctoring Services


UA Online Testing Services is dedicated to maintaining the integrity and security of online and in-person proctored exams. We offer proctoring services for online courses for UA Online and main campus students, facilitating both online and paper exams. Instructors have the flexibility to choose their preferred method (online or in-person).

  • Available Proctoring Options: We provide two forms of proctoring services: online and in-person, both on and off campus. Instructors can choose to allow students to use online and in-person proctoring or solely in-person proctoring by specifying when responding to a survey we provide.
  • Proctored Online and Paper Exams: We can assist in setting up proctored testing for online exams and paper exams, as chosen by the instructor. However, we cannot provide proctoring services for online exams administered through Respondus Lockdown Browser or Respondus Monitor. If instructors intend to use Respondus, our services cannot be used in addition.

It’s essential to note that starting in Summer 2024, online paper exams will no longer be an option. Instructors who previously allowed online paper exams should transition to either fully online exams or require in-person proctoring.

  • Requirements for Online Proctoring: Online proctoring requires students to have a laptop or desktop computer with an internal or external webcam. Fees for online proctoring vary based on the chosen online method (automated or live proctoring) and the exam’s duration. Please be aware that all online sessions are reviewed by online proctors. If a session is flagged due to suspicious behavior, it will be reported to us for further review.
  • In-Person Proctoring Procedures: For in-person proctoring, students are required to schedule their exams with a UA-approved proctor through SmarterProctoring. All proctors must have an account and meet the established criteria to be considered for approval. Once a student schedules their exam through SmarterProctoring, all pertinent details, including passwords and exam files, are securely shared with the proctor’s account. [Return to Top]

Proctor Wording Requirement

SACSCOC Guidelines

The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges guidelines require that courses inform students prior to registration if proctored exams are required and if charges may be incurred depending on the method or location chosen by the student.

Each department is responsible for ensuring all online and online main courses have the proper wording added to the course description before student registration opens for each term. UA Online Testing Services cannot offer proctoring services for courses without the required wording. [Return to Top]

Respondus vs. UAOTS

What’s the Difference?

Respondus LockDown Browser

LockDown Browser serves as a secure tool specifically designed for taking tests in Blackboard Learn, ensuring a controlled environment by restricting actions like copying or accessing external URLs and applications during a test. It’s crucial to note that LockDown Browser is intended solely for Blackboard tests and should not be employed in other areas of the Blackboard platform.

It’s also important to note that Respondus LockDown Browser can only lock down a student’s browser to prevent them from accessing any other browser functions or applications. It cannot prevent a student from accessing their phone, using unauthorized materials or seeking assistance from other sources.

For setup procedures and assistance, please contact the Office of Information Technology (OIT), the Center for Instructional Technology (CIT) or the UA Online Instructional Technology and Academic Services (ITAS) team.

UA Online Testing Services

We offer proctoring services for online courses for UA Online and main campus students, facilitating both online and paper exams. Instructors have the flexibility to choose their preferred method (whether online or in-person) through a survey response.

The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) guidelines require that courses inform students prior to registration if proctored exams are required and if charges may be incurred depending on the method or location chosen by the student. All OL and OLM courses must have this wording prior to student registration. [Return to Top]

Instructor Surveys


UAOTS uses a Qualtrics survey to determine how many instructors and courses will require proctoring services for the next term. The survey also allows instructors to provide all of their exam details so that testing staff can begin setting up their proctored exams in a timely manner.

Surveys are sent out well in advance of the upcoming term. If an instructor has not received a survey link from Online Testing Services by the first day of class, they need to reach out to immediately.

  • All survey responses will have a hard deadline to ensure exam details will be received in a timely manner. Instructors will be notified of the specific deadlines for each term. Due to the number of individual terms within a summer term, deadlines will vary. Instructors are encouraged to submit their responses earlier, if not by the last day to drop/add. After the set deadline has passed, the survey will be closed, and additional responses will not be accepted. Instructors without a survey response will not have their exams set up for proctored testing, though special circumstances (such as last-minute instructor changes) will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
  • Survey responses should include the following:
    • Courses you are teaching (Example: BSC 108-910-920).
    • Name of each exam (Example: Exam 1, Midterm, Final).
    • Open date and time for each exam.
    • Close date and time for each exam.
      • Please note that all exams must have a minimum 12-hour window. Exams open less than 12 hours will not be set up.
    • Time allotted for each exam.
    • The type of exam (online or paper).
    • Allowed items, such as a calculator, scratch paper, notes, etc.
      • Please be specific. If the exam allows a calculator, specify what kinds are/are not allowed. If notes are allowed, please specify if they should be physical notes, handwritten and/or single-sided.
    • Testing option for each exam (online and in-person or in-person only). [Return to Top]

Instructor Communication

1:1 Meetings

Due to the unique instructions for Engineering exams, all Engineering instructors are required to meet with Online Testing Services to go over proctored exam setup and any necessary updates. An email invitation for scheduling this meeting will be sent to instructors after their survey response is received.

1:1 Meeting Requirements & Procedure

  • Instructors must meet with Online Testing Services no later than the designated deadline provided in the survey email. This is crucial to ensure a prompt and successful proctored exam setup. If the meeting does not take place within this timeframe, proctored exams will not be set up, and an alternative testing method will be required.
  • During this meeting, instructors should confirm the following:
    • Exam details, dates, and times. Please note that all exams must have a minimum 12-hour window to accommodate students’ varying schedules, time zones and proctor availability. Exam windows with less than 12 hours will not be set up.
    • Allowed items for each exam.
    • Exam administration method, whether it’s a single exam file or individual student exam files for each exam. Please note that if individual exams are required, this should be communicated in advance to allow proper setup.
      • Special circumstances, like makeup exams or the need for separate exams following academic misconduct, will be taken into consideration on a case-by-case basis.
    • Chosen proctoring method. It’s important to note that online paper exams will no longer be an option starting in Fall 2024. Instructors who previously allowed online paper exams should transition to fully online exams or in-person paper exams.

Extensions & ODS Accommodations

If a student requires an exam extension or disability accommodations, instructors must provide us with the necessary information.

For exam extensions or makeup exams, instructors should provide the new exam details to Online Testing Services via email, and we will ensure the new information is added to Blackboard and the proctoring portals. Students will then be informed by Online Testing Services of the new information and next steps.

For ODS accommodations, students are required to register online with the Office of Disability Services each term for each course in which they may require accommodations. ODS will send approved accommodations to instructors, who can then forward the information to Online Testing Services. ODS information will be added to Blackboard and the proctoring portals. Students will then be informed by Online Testing Services that their accommodation information has been added and if additional steps, such as setting up an account, are required on their part. [Return to Top]

Proctored Exam Setup

Proctored Exam Setup Process

The proctored exam setup process begins with the details UAOTS receives from the survey responses, including information gathered during 1:1 meetings with instructors who have been contacted to meet for additional support or guidance on implementing online proctoring procedures.

  • Initial Setup
    • The Proctored Exam Scheduling tab is added to each course and kept hidden to prevent premature access by students.
    • Instructors must avoid making any changes or selecting any links during this phase, as it may disrupt the setup process and lead to technical issues.
    • Once the setup process is complete, the tab becomes accessible to students.
  • Online Exams
    • UAOTS will ensure that the exam dates and times align with the course survey response.
    • UAOTS will password-protect all online exams to prevent student access without proctor assistance.
    • UAOTS will duplicate relevant information, including allowed items and academic integrity guidelines, in the proctoring portals.
  • Paper Exams
    • Setup is conducted through SmarterProctoring, closely resembling the online exam setup but excluding online proctoring options.
    • UAOTS will incorporate instructions and academic integrity guidelines from 1:1 meetings.

After proctoring details and setup are completed for your course, all students will receive an email with course-specific proctoring information and access to the proctoring portals on their course page. Please be aware that the majority of proctored exams will not be set up until at least one week after the last day to drop/add has passed for spring and fall terms. [Return to Top]

Academic Integrity

Academic Integrity & Misconduct

UAOTS is committed to upholding academic integrity as a cornerstone of our educational values. To ensure a fair and honest testing environment, all students are provided with clear exam and proctoring guidelines, in addition to the Student Code of Conduct, and we expect them to adhere to these expectations rigorously. Any reported incidents of potential cheating, suspicious behavior or other acts of misconduct are treated with the utmost seriousness, and appropriate actions are taken to maintain the integrity of our academic programs.

Procedure for Handling Reported Incidents

In the event of a reported incident, we will go through the following procedure:

  1. Evidence Gathering
    • Online Sessions: We review the recording of the online session, compiling evidence such as screenshots and screen recordings.
    • In-Person Sessions: We collect statements and evidence provided by the proctor.
  2. Our Report Filing
    • Includes the student’s name, course, exam details, date and time of completion.
    • Describes the incident, noting session flags or proctor-provided comments.
    • Summarizes UAOTS’s review of the session or incident.
    • Provides links to all gathered evidence, including images, screenshots or screen recordings.
    • For online sessions, includes detailed instructions for session review by the instructor or department.
  3. Instructor Notification
    • We send the report to the instructor, who is encouraged to review it along with all the evidence to determine appropriate next steps. The instructor will then inform UAOTS of their next steps.
  4. Documentation From Instructor
    • UAOTS maintains records of all academic misconduct reports, including the final ruling.
    • Documentation from the instructor will include actions taken, such as assigning a zero, reporting a student for academic misconduct or requiring a student to retake the exam.

We are committed to providing a fair and consistent testing experience for all students. We encourage all students to adhere to our exam and proctoring guidelines. In the event that a student continually violates these guidelines, we reserve the right to revoke their proctoring privileges or deny a proctoring location to uphold our testing integrity. Students will receive an official warning from Online Testing Services before proctoring methods or location options are revoked unless the instructor or department requests immediate revocation.

Procedure for Repeat Offenders & Revoking Proctoring Options

If a student continually fails to adhere to exam and proctoring guidelines, we will go through the following procedure.

  1. Warning Phase:
    • The student will receive a formal warning from Online Testing Services, which includes the following:
      • A detailed description of the reported incidents.
      • A reminder of exam and proctoring guidelines.
      • An explanation that repeated violations may lead to a loss of proctoring privileges.
    • A copy of this warning will be sent to the instructor for reference.
  2. Consequences for Continued Violations
    • If the student persists in disregarding exam and proctoring guidelines, the following actions will be taken:
      • For Automated Virtual proctoring, the student’s proctoring method will be upgraded to Live Online proctoring. At this point, if the student intends to test online, they will be required to schedule a Live Online proctoring session and will be responsible for any additional fees incurred.
      • For Live Online proctoring, access to this method will be revoked for all online courses. The student will be required to secure an in-person proctor for all of their exams for the remainder of the term.
      • For in-person proctoring or paper exams, access to the specific proctor or location will be revoked. The student will be required to secure a new approved proctor or location for all of their exams for the remainder of the term.
    • Prior to the notice, Online Testing Services will initiate a discussion with all of the student’s instructors, notifying them of the ongoing violations and the consequences to follow.
      • Instructors will have an opportunity to provide input and suggestions regarding the situation.
      • Instructors will be asked to provide any additional individuals who may need to be copied on the notification to the student.

Depending on the severity and or consistency of violations, the student may lose access for a duration of up to a full academic year. [Return to Top]